Donations and Leaving a Legacy
LEAVE A LEGACY IN YOUR WILL AND HELP US INSPIRE FUTURE GENERATIONS WITH THE STORY OF de HAVILLAND. Show your support for the de Haviland Museum by making a donation. Any contribution, no matter how small, will go towards supporting the work of the museum and maintaining this unique historical aviation collection
Leaving a legacy to the de Havilland Aircraft Museum will help us preserve some of Britain’s most iconic aircraft. These include the Mosquito, the Tiger Moth and the Comet – the world’s first jet airliner. For over half a century, the Hatfield based de Havilland Company was one of the largest employers in Hertfordshire. It remains a great source of pride for people in the area. The museum’s mission is to preserve and communicate the de Havilland heritage to ensure that current and future generations of all ages will understand de Havilland’s contribution to innovative British aviation technology. Your legacy will have a lasting impact by helping us achieve this goal.
For a donation via our webstore please use the link below. You can select a set amount or combinations of amounts to donate.
For information about leaving a legacy or making a donation for a brass plaque, please download a leaflet through the link below.
If you would like further information before making your decision, please email